social action west los angeles

social action west los angeles

3005, 2024

UCLA Workers Join the Ongoing UAW Local 4811 Strike

By |May 30th, 2024|

On Tuesday morning, 6,400 academic workers represented by United Auto Workers (UAW) 4811 began their strike at UCLA. They joined 2,000 UC Santa Cruz workers in a rolling “stand up” strike, a model of calling for strikes at multiple worksites popularized by the UAW. UC Davis members also joined the strike on Tuesday. In total, there are 14,000 UAW Local 4811 members on strike across the UC system.

1605, 2024

Los Angeles City Council Orders Reports on Elephant Deaths at L.A. Zoo

By |May 16th, 2024|

The L.A. City Council voted on Wednesday to direct the Los Angeles Zoo to submit a report within 30 days regarding the recent death of two Asian Elephants. The item was brought to the council by Councilmember Bob Blumenfield and passed 14-0. The council is seeking information from the zoo about the recent deaths of elephants Jewel and Shaunzi and the zoo’s compliance or non-compliance with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) standards of elephant care. Animal rights groups have been advocating for the closure of the zoo’s elephant exhibit and the release of the elephants to sanctuaries.

UCLA Workers Join the Ongoing UAW Local 4811 Strike

By |May 30th, 2024|

On Tuesday morning, 6,400 academic workers represented by United Auto Workers (UAW) 4811 began their strike at UCLA. They joined 2,000 UC Santa Cruz workers in a rolling “stand up” strike, a model of calling for strikes at multiple worksites popularized by the UAW. UC Davis members also joined the strike on Tuesday. In total, there are 14,000 UAW Local 4811 members on strike across the UC system.

Los Angeles City Council Orders Reports on Elephant Deaths at L.A. Zoo

By |May 16th, 2024|

The L.A. City Council voted on Wednesday to direct the Los Angeles Zoo to submit a report within 30 days regarding the recent death of two Asian Elephants. The item was brought to the council by Councilmember Bob Blumenfield and passed 14-0. The council is seeking information from the zoo about the recent deaths of elephants Jewel and Shaunzi and the zoo’s compliance or non-compliance with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) standards of elephant care. Animal rights groups have been advocating for the closure of the zoo’s elephant exhibit and the release of the elephants to sanctuaries.

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