

1706, 2024

EDITORIAL: Christine Parra is Not a Serious Person

By |June 17th, 2024|

Santa Monica City Councilmember Christine Parra is a mystery. She came out of nowhere for many of us four years ago to be elected as a member of the so-called “change slate,” alongside Phil Brock and Oscar De La Torre. She has largely sat quietly at city council meetings other than to go along with their nativist and regressive agenda. She doesn’t seem like she enjoys the job, or governing in general for that matter. I honestly don’t know why she would want to run again other than to piss off the three council members she called “the liberal minority” and their allies in the city. And not for nothing – it’s pretty scary if they are the only liberals on a city council of seven representing what’s supposed to be a progressive city.

2602, 2024

I Too, Am a Citizen of the World

By |February 26th, 2024|

I am an investigative reporter. A title that I have dreamt of holding for as long as I can remember, and today it is mine. For over half a decade, I have made America my home. Each brick of that home is a testament to the trials I have endured by myself in hopes that it will all pay off one day. Writing has forever been my refuge, my sanctuary, and my companion – it is my canvas upon which I paint the hues of my existence. 

EDITORIAL: Christine Parra is Not a Serious Person

By |June 17th, 2024|

Santa Monica City Councilmember Christine Parra is a mystery. She came out of nowhere for many of us four years ago to be elected as a member of the so-called “change slate,” alongside Phil Brock and Oscar De La Torre. She has largely sat quietly at city council meetings other than to go along with their nativist and regressive agenda. She doesn’t seem like she enjoys the job, or governing in general for that matter. I honestly don’t know why she would want to run again other than to piss off the three council members she called “the liberal minority” and their allies in the city. And not for nothing – it’s pretty scary if they are the only liberals on a city council of seven representing what’s supposed to be a progressive city.

I Too, Am a Citizen of the World

By |February 26th, 2024|

I am an investigative reporter. A title that I have dreamt of holding for as long as I can remember, and today it is mine. For over half a decade, I have made America my home. Each brick of that home is a testament to the trials I have endured by myself in hopes that it will all pay off one day. Writing has forever been my refuge, my sanctuary, and my companion – it is my canvas upon which I paint the hues of my existence. 


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