Contact Todd Flora, publisher, for pricing and more information
(310) 254-5190 | [email protected]
Contact Todd Flora, publisher, for pricing and more information
(310) 254-5190
[email protected]
Who We Are
Westside Voice delivers accurate reporting and informed commentary on state, county and municipal issues that affect the people who live and/or work in the neighborhoods and cities that make up West Los Angeles. We aim to strengthen the voice of our area, ensure information is shared, issues debated with strong but civil discourse and that the stories, people, and initiatives of the area are celebrated.
Our Audience
Westside Voice brings the neighborhoods and cities of West Los Angeles together. By providing clarity and relevance to issues that affect us all we can create a more cohesive, interdependent sub-region of Greater Los Angeles. .

Advertise today!
Westside Voice draws readers each week from around Los Angeles and neighboring Westside cities. Advertise with us to put your message in front of an engaged electorate of progressive-minded people most likely to be looking for your services. Our advertising options are affordable and effective for any business. For more information about our advertising opportunities contact our publisher, Todd Flora at (310) 254-5190 or email [email protected]
Advertising Acceptability Policy
Westside Voice reserves the right to accept or decline any advertisement or sponsorship solicited by vendors.
Westside Voice refuses to accept advertising we feel promotes hate, division, or intolerance. We will decline advertising that we believe to be false or misleading, inaccurate, illegal, or fraudulent. Overall, ads must comply with what Westside Voice feels meets our standards and is, at our discretion, decent and tasteful.
Westside Voice maintains a clear separation between news and advertising content. We will reject “Advertorial” that we feel blurs this distinction in a way that confuses our readers.
Paid political advertising should at no time be taken to be an endorsement of a candidate by Westside Voice. Those endorsements only come in our Endorsement news section of any page. If an issues-based campaign chooses to advertise with us, however, there is a likelihood we agree with the aims of that policy effort.
Rates and restrictions subject to change at any time, at the discretion of Westside Voice.